Your typical nice looking, "heart warming" A24 flick...unrealistically precocious kid paired with confused middle-aged man and through turbulence and conflicts they gradually learn from each other and cherish the experience forever --- I have seen this one many times before. The "it's okay to yell, and then yelling out loud" scene in particular is soooo much of a cliche. Cinematography is alright but not really impressive, watching this back to back with Red Rocket the difference is so obvious (ok B&W is at disadvantage but still).The interview bits aren't integrated organically into the story, and it feels like the feel-good, "heartfelt" material got mixed in just for audience appeal.
剧本有创意,“妖精管理局”很有新意,剧情有讽刺现实,特效化妆必须点赞,没有五毛特效。 刘亦菲依旧美若天仙,不管是裙子还是皮衣,穿起来都好仙,少女感爆棚,丝毫不做作。这次演技也不错,特别喜欢她捡瓶子那一段,有点萌也有点让人心疼;真的被郭京飞和李光洁圈粉。郭京飞的烟熏妆丝毫没有违和感,很撩人,我与公的情乱妻孝也是全片唯一出场带BGM的人,对小白的痴心守护让人动容;李光洁的腹黑冷面局长,霸气测漏,虽是反派,但也不能阻止我粉云局,黑西装还有翅膀,超帅!焦俊艳的贾冰冰,戏份不多,但让人印象深刻,热心快肠,《女儿的朋友中字头2简介》片场那里,很好玩。 如果,妖精报恩不仅仅是结婚生子,或许创意会更佳。